How much? The question that needs an answer.

The last two weeks have been amazing! Sydney’s weather has been magnificent (a lot of decks have been built in the sun) and to think we have less than three weeks before it is officially spring. Oh and I have to mention that Mercury retrograde will be over on August 19. Well I guess the latter has not too much to do with outdoor decking, but it has a lot to do with peace of mind with your timber decking dreams. Everything, from August 19 onward, will be achieved without effort or complication. And that’s when this comes into subject – Decking Sydney is all about that!

Last time we chat, planning was the prime subject on the agenda, today it’s “How much?” How much time have I got to get this done? How much is my budget? How much space do I have for the timber deck – pool deck – pergola – carport?

The answer will determine the outcome

How much time will it take?

Time is a factor we all get equally of however we often claim not to have enough of it! It’s a paradox! I often laugh when people say they need their project done as soon as possible (NOW) because they don’t have time. Really? We all get the equal amount of time every day, just use it wisely (PLANNING) and the outcome is perfect. Pushing time into the smallest possible space can be a mistake, it causes stress and encourages rash decisions. So, make time for your investment and use your time to realise your deck wisely.

How much space do I really have to work with? Consider the time you have for your build, it can be planned and complete for that special occasion.

Decking cost is an investment

How much will it cost?

That answer is up to you, at the end of the day you are the one paying so the decking price you want will need to be found. Have your budget in place and create what you can with that. Moving forward ensure to get three quotes (or more if you’re diligent) and look carefully at the service and quality you will get for those bucks you are prepared to spend. Decking cost is an investment and needs attention and commitment. Sometimes paying that bit extra for a reputable deck builder will save you dollars later down the track. Do your home work regarding what exactly it is that you have in mind and look at all your options. This will give you a price scale and when you are informed of the decking cost your choice will certainly be the right one!

Space is how you use it – think about how the space can work for you. 

Dead space highlights

How much space do I need?

Sometime we don’t realise space and deck design are important factors to budget. It also impacts on the look and feel of the finished product. Dead space on a site that can be turned into a home highlight. A space that has been overlooked or never considered as useful. A small deck in a sunny section of your back yard can make all the difference in the world to how you use and spend your time on it. Look around your space with a fresh set of eyes, think about what exactly it is that you want to do there. Identify the good spots and how they can be enjoyed. Look at the painful bits and think about how they can be pleasurable. Make the most of what you’ve got and enhance it with what is there.

This advise would work for most things in life don’t you think? It’s like getting your nails done and then “poof” you pull out those lost and forgotten rings in the jewelry box and voila – you are perfect for your efforts!

Two pleasures in life for me are – knowing the answer to a question and fully enjoying the things I have worked hard for! Hence, the answer to that question, “how much?” I think we all know the answer to that now!

Have a great week hammering out ideas for your dream deck!

Decking Sydney NSW


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